Product News
October 13, 2020

Five integration methods provided by NoQ

As an independent system, NoQ provides multiple ways to connect with customers. Five different ways will be introduced below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our experts.

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#### 1. Connect with JavaScript on the front-end web page

First of all, if you want to connect the front-end web page to NoQ, you must use the JavaScript provided by NoQ, which can be completed with a simple line of code. In this way, NoQ can direct excessive traffic to the online waiting room to prevent the customer's system from crashing due to excessive traffic.


**(1) The connection is simple and most customers can complete it within 30 minutes**

**(2) You can freely choose which page to use the online waiting room**

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#### 2. Use the NoQ waiting room as your first load point
Using JavaScript to connect in series, the customer system is still the first load point. For some systems, there may still be a risk of high traffic, so we also recommend that customers use the link to the online waiting room as the first load point.

In the promotion of promotion activities, customers can provide the link of the NoQ waiting room to the target audience, then the NoQ waiting room will become the first load point of the promotion activity. If the traffic is within the controllable range, the target audience will be automatically directed to the customer. In this system, only excessive traffic will continue to wait in the waiting room, thus further reducing the risk of system crashes.


**(1) Simply provide a high traffic load point**

**(2) Automatic diversion without additional settings**

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#### 3. Connect with the SDK provided by NoQ in the mobile application

Nowadays, many mobile apps use Internet celebrities to help promote them. Internet celebrities have very strong appeal. One of their live broadcasts can attract more than 10,000 people to log in to the mobile app at the same time. The publicity effect is very ideal, but it also creates high traffic risks.

Therefore, NoQ also provides SDK for mobile applications as a connection method, including iOS and Android. Customers can add NoQ's traffic check to their mobile application layout. If high traffic is found to be occurring, the waiting room screen can be displayed in the mobile application, thus reducing the burden on the background system of the mobile application.


**(1) The connection is simple and most customers can complete it within 1 hour**

**(2) Choose which page to use the online waiting room**

**(3) Supports most mobile OS systems**

**(4) Users do not need to leave the mobile application**

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#### 4. Connect NoQ to the API of the backend system

If you want to create an online waiting room that cannot be skipped through "abnormal ways", then connecting with NoQ on the backend system is one of the ways. NoQ provides an API docking function. Customers can call the API in an encrypted manner on the backend system to check traffic. If high traffic is found, the user can be directed to the waiting room in the API response.


**(1) Users cannot skip traffic inspection in abnormal ways**

**(2) The front-end system can remain unchanged**

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#### 5. Use the Edge Computing technical service on the cloud platform or CDN to connect
Today's cloud platforms or CDNs already provide many Edge Computing technology services. If you are using some of these service providers, then we can complete the connection more easily.

For example, Cloudflare provides the Worker function. As long as the Worker program of NoQ is created on Cloudflare and the paths that need to be checked are pointed to the Worker, then each request directed to these paths will automatically check the traffic. If the traffic has exceeded the upper limit, the Worker can remove the user. Directed to online waiting room.


**(1) No need to modify the existing system**

**(2) Users are completely unable to skip traffic inspection in abnormal ways**

**(3) The edge on the cloud platform or CDN becomes a load point to ensure that the system is not threatened by high traffic**